Journal of Boromir

Monday, December 06, 2004

Journal of Boromir: Day 28

“…I’m trying to convince Aragorn that cutting through Rohan without permission was going to be a dumb move. He doesn’t foresee any problem, but that just tells me he hasn’t met Mr. Roaming Border Patrol – Eomer. The guy is a few crumbs short of a lembas cake if you ask me. My last trip up through there, I had the misfortune to cross paths with him, and he confiscated my horse as a result. He suspected me of trying to smuggle in weed from the South. I harbour serious doubts towards the Rohan military screening process after that encounter. And when did a beanie hat and a kazoo become part of the official uniform in Rohan? Actually I don’t want to go through Rohan was because after Eomer confiscated my horse, I swiped one of his in Edoras and rode it to Rivendell…”


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